Dream Team United WI presents: Patrick “PJ THE GRILL MASTER” Ross Jr. Scholarship
Patrick “PJ” was a beloved son, brother, grandson and
friend, who after graduating high school dedicated his life to
helping others by serving those in the need. PJ became a
proud member of Dream Team United WI where he was
able to serve the community whether is was helping senior
citizens and disabled person by helping carry their bags,
groceries or boxes or helping Middle Ground INC with
helping the upkeep and clean up in the community. PJ also
had a love to feed the community, this is how he acquired
the affectionate nickname, “PJ The Grill Master”. PJ was
able to utilize his passion and talent for cooking by bringing
people together through food.

Dream Team United WI will be awarding a total of 4 scholarships:
- (2) scholarships will be awarded to two students attending any level of higher learning (College,
University, Community College or Trade Specialty School). One student will be awarded a $1000
scholarship and a second student will be awarded a $250 scholarship both to be used towards college
tuition and expenses. - (2) scholarships will be awarded to two students attending a Culinary Arts School. One student will be
awarded a $1000 scholarship and a second student will be awarded a $250 scholarship both to be
used towards college and culinary expenses.
Conditions of Qualification:
1. Must be a current MPS high school student expected to graduated in May/June 2025.
2. Have a GPA of 2.0 or higher
3. Must be attending a college, university, trade school or culinary school.
4. Must show proof of being accepted into a college, university, trade school or culinary school anywhere
in the US.
5. Scholarship recipient is required to attend and serve at (1) one of dream
team united wi events as a way of giving back and serving the Milwaukee